Our Services


Sports performance

training with an emphasis

on corrective exercise

Whether you row, throw, pitch, pass, swing or swim, every sport involves repetitive motion of some kind. Our knowledge of kinesiology and biomechanics enables us to assess problems that may result from any imbalances or faulty movement patterns — and prescribe corrective exercises that will improve your comfort, coordination and effectiveness on any field of competition. (Or court, pitch, diamond, track,...)


Small group training

It's the next best thing to one-on-one training: one-on-four training! You get a good amount of individualized instruction along with the benefits of a small, supportive group whose members keep one another energized. Our small group classes are an effective, economical way to train and they're open to all ages.


Fascial stretch therapy

It's impossible to overstate the benefits of “FST,” the process of pinpointing and treating the source of muscle dysfunction. Our certifications in Trigger Point and Myofascial Therapy allow us to safely administer FST to alleviate pain, accelerate recovery and enhance your performance.

FST can also help with:

  • Fitness performance

  • Range of motion

  • Relaxation

  • Stress relief

  • Muscle tension

  • Injury recovery

  • Muscle activation


Fascial stretch therapy:
what we all need now

Muscles are amazing. They lengthen, shorten, twist and turn to provide strength and flexibility — unless the tissue that surrounds them, the fascia, becomes damaged or dense.

That's where Fascial Stretch Therapy (FST) comes in.

By applying the proper amount of tension during special stretching maneuvers, Elevate trainers help repair and rejuvenate your fascia — thus freeing your muscles up to do all of the marvelous things they were made for.

Ernie has a great grasp of anatomy and how the body works. He's helped keep me injury free and race ready.

— Bill, Triathlete, Five-time Ironman

Could you benefit from personal training? Let's find out.